ROLE: Illustration | Story Boarding | Video Editing
CLIENT: Capital One wanted to create 4 Video's for their Capital One Cafe website to re-iterate that financial
well-being is better along with everyday well-being. From community to coffee to comfy spaces, the Cafés are the perfect blend of where banking meets living. The topics for the Video's are - Destination Relaxation, Talking Money with your Honey, Give & Grin, and Your Money Your Values.
COMPANY: 160over90 (An Endeavor Company - formerly WME | IMG)
Destination Relaxation: Everyone deserves a break, and that means you! Whether you are about to take a big trip or don't know where to start. Learn how to make room in your budget for travel and how to take your planning to the
next level.


Final Video - Tuesday | August 31, 2021 | 6 min

Talking Money with Your Honey: Discussing finances with a loved one is never easy, but with the right tools and mindset, it can be. Explore how values can play into finances as we help you bring more understanding and compassion into your financial conversations.

Final Video - Tuesday | August 31, 2021 | 5 min

Give and Grin:


Final Video - Tuesday | August 31, 2021 | 5 min

Your Money, Your Values: Explore new ways of thinking and talking about money as we walk you through ways to help minimize your stress and increase your confidence around your financial choices.


Final Video - Tuesday | August 31, 2021 | 4 min